The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
[2008-2015] documenting the history and lasting impacts of
the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous
students and their families
Research Questions
The main goal is to figure out if there is
 already sufficient effort to track the CTAs.
Finding Answers
To answer my questions I broke down my research to 3 steps
Findings about Tracking
Some trackers indicate status through terms such as “in progress,” and
“step taken.” But as Yellowhead Institute states, these terms “tend to give
a false sense of advancement without meaningful structural or policy
changes in the areas of reconciliation.” To address this, similar trackers
were referenced.
Potential Solutions
These trackers offer qualitative assessments of
progress. They suggest that an action in progress
doesn’t necessarily mean that it sufficiently meets
the required standards. These findings form the
basis for the final solution.

Target Audience
Primary: The TRC targets specific entities across 
all 94 calls to action depending on their specific contexts.

Additional: In recent years, corporations have been including 
reconciliation efforts as part of their quarterly or annual reports.
The final design solution is a website named 94+.
The plus carries two meanings:

Orange was chosen for the significance it carries in Indigenous culture.
Brand Typography
The font was chosen for its low contrast to match the geometric nature of the logo.
Product Typography
FF Meta was chosen for its extensive library of fonts and for its suitability for working with numbers.
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